HSE Supercomputer System Software
Operating System: CentOS 7
- Supercomputer administration software: OpenHPC, Warewulf
- InfiniBand Network Manager: OpenSM
- Compilers: Intel oneAPI (Parallel Studio), GNU Compilers Collection (versions: 12; 10.1.0 (supports GO and -std=c++20); 9.3.0 (supports GO and -std=c++17); 8.3.0; 7.3.0; 5.4.0), NVIDIA SDK
- Libraries for parallel computing: Intel MPI 2019 (recommended), Open MPI 4/3 (recommended), MVAPICH 2.3, MPICH 3.2
- Job Management System: SLURM
- Profiling tools: Gprof, Perf, Intel VTune, CUPTI
- Monitoring software: Nagios, ganglia, self-developed monitoring system
- User Environment Management: Lmod, Singularity, Anaconda
- GPU support: NVIDIA drivers, CUDA 10/11
- Libraries: OpenBLAS, GraphicsMagick, fftw, gsl, cnpy and others
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