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HSE Supercomputer System Software

  • Operating System: CentOS 7

  • Supercomputer administration software: OpenHPC, Warewulf
  • InfiniBand Network Manager: OpenSM
  • Compilers: Intel oneAPI (Parallel Studio), GNU Compilers Collection (versions: 12; 10.1.0 (supports GO and -std=c++20); 9.3.0 (supports GO and -std=c++17); 8.3.0; 7.3.0; 5.4.0), NVIDIA SDK
  • Libraries for parallel computing: Intel MPI 2019 (recommended), Open MPI 4/3 (recommended), MVAPICH 2.3, MPICH 3.2
  • Job Management System: SLURM
  • Profiling tools: Gprof, Perf, Intel VTune, CUPTI
  • Monitoring software: Nagios, ganglia, self-developed monitoring system
  • User Environment Management: Lmod, Singularity, Anaconda
  • GPU support: NVIDIA drivers, CUDA 10/11
  • Libraries: OpenBLAS, GraphicsMagick, fftw, gsl, cnpy and others
Detailed instructions and examples of startup scripts are available on the Russian version of the page.
Intel oneAPI (Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition)
A set of compilers and software development tools that simplify and speed up the creation of high-speed applications. Thanks to the use of technologies of vectorization, multithreading, parallelization and optimization of memory usage, it is possible to achieve significant acceleration of the speed of applications running on Intel processors. Documentation (ZIP, 92.54 Mb) 
GNU Compiler CollectionA set of compilers for various programming languages developed as part of the GNU project.
NVIDIA CUDAThe hardware-software architecture of parallel computing, which can significantly increase computing performance through the use of Nvidia GPUs.
Python 3 (Anaconda)A distribution of Python programming languages, including a set of popular free libraries, united by data science and machine learning.
RR is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis.
Java 8 JDKThe JDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the Java platform.


A set of compilers and software development tools that simplify and speed up the creation of high-speed applications. Thanks to the use of technologies of vectorization, multithreading, parallelization and optimization of memory usage, it is possible to achieve significant acceleration of the speed of applications running on Intel processors.


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