HSE University HPC Cluster "cHARISMa"
At the beginning of 2019, a high-performance cluster was launched at HSE University. The cluster placed 10th on the Top-50 ranking of CIS high-performance computer systems.
The high-performance cluster consists of 46 computing nodes, including 6 newest nodes for training neural networks with eight NVIDIA A100 80GB SXM GPUs each, 29 specialized nodes with a large amount of RAM 768-1536 GB and four NVIDIA Tesla V100 32 GB graphics accelerators each, as well as 11 computing nodes with powerful central processors.
The resources of the computing cluster are intended to support basic research and teaching at university, as well as to carry out research projects requiring the use of high-performance systems. Cluster resources are allocated upon request for specific projects and for a limited period of time.
Currently, the HSE HPC cluster is ranked 10th in the Top50 ranking of the most powerful computer systems in CIS.
Types of computing nodes
The HSE supercomputer uses four types of powerful computing nodes. Computing nodes of type B are used to solve problems with very large amounts of data. Type C nodes are more connected between the central and graphics processors than A and B. Type D nodes are optimal for tasks that use central processors. Type E nodes are preferably used for training large neural networks and processing a large amount of data. See more about choosing the type of computing nodes to run the task.
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